EdWeb Webinar: Memes, editorial cartoons, and visual journalism: Lessons for your classroom


Wednesday, August 10, 2022
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST

Editorial cartooning is a powerful form of opinion journalism with a long history of effecting change and holding powerful individuals accountable. While the craft has evolved — even shaping contemporary forms of visual expression, such as memes — many key characteristics and functions remain the same. Hear from leading editorial cartoonists about how they approach their work, where they see their field headed and how the unique characteristics of editorial cartoons make for rich and rewarding news literacy explorations in a range of subjects, from history to social studies to art.

This edWeb webinar, sponsored by the News Literacy Project, features a panel conversation with editorial cartoonists Lalo Alcaraz and Signe Wilkinson, who are both included in “Power in Art: The Watchdog Role of Editorial Cartoonists,” an innovative new lesson on NLP’s virtual classroom, Checkology®️. The lesson, which was made possible with support from The Herb Block Foundation and the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, examines the important role that editorial cartoonists have played across time and around the world. The conversation will be moderated by NLP staff experts Peter Adams and Darragh Worland.

Register here for this free presentation on edWeb.

Hear from editorial cartoonists Lalo Alcaraz and Signe Wilkinson; and NLP staffers Peter Adams, senior vice president of research and design, and Darragh Worland, senior vice president of creative strategy.

This edWeb webinar will be of interest to K-12 teachers, librarians, school and district leaders and education technology leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.


Please email any questions to Shaelynn Farnsworth.

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