NLP president discusses news literacy on The Diane Rehm Show
You can catch the podcast here. The focus of the show was: “News Literacy in the Digital Age: Americans have access to more news than ever before. But polls suggest trust in our sources of information is at a record low.”
Miller and three other distinguished guests engaged in a wide-ranging discussion about public distrust of the news media, the role of social media, coverage of the fallout from the shooting of an unarmed black man in Ferguson, Missouri, and how consumers can find credible information.
At the show’s conclusion, Miller explained how NLP’s educators and journalists teach news literacy in middle and high schools.
Rehm responded, “I wish you all success because I think the entire population at this point needs something like that!”
The show is produced by WAMU, the Washington-based NPR affiliate, and is syndicated to 250 stations nationwide with a weekly radio audience of almost 2.6 million. Rehm received the National Humanities Medal from President Barack Obama last month.
The other guests were Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute; Amanda Ripley, a feature writer for Time magazine and The Atlantic and the author of a widely discussed book on public education; and Andy Carvin, a former NPR reporter and social media pioneer who is now at First Look Media, a nonprofit journalism startup.