Op-ed promotes PSA campaign on election misinformation

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NLP’s founder and CEO Alan C. Miller and Alexander Heffner, host of The Open Mind on PBS and president of The Open Mind Legacy Project, discuss how the two organizations joined forces to develop a national PSA campaign in a commentary for USA Today Sept. 13. The piece We’re launching an election-season ad campaign to fight fake news, and we need your help outlines the threat misinformation poses to the 2020 election and our democracy and how the campaign aims to reach the most vulnerable voters.

“Our PSAs, which will air in Spanish and English, debunk myths about voting, encourage voters to break out of their filter bubbles, and advise them to verify facts with multiple sources before sharing social media posts. The campaign will focus especially on Black and Latinx populations particularly hard hit by the pandemic that were targeted in previous election-related misinformation campaigns and remain vulnerable to suppression,” they write.

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