GSAN: Keep getting smarter this summer


Dear {{Salutation or 'friend of news literacy'}},

Summer is here, at least unofficially! That means Get Smart About News will take next week off and resume June 15 with a different format suited to summer’s more relaxed pace.

You’ll still find the email in your inbox every Tuesday morning, but we’ll feature just one news literacy tip, tool, resource or quiz to help you keep your skills sharp over the next couple of months.

In September, after school starts again, we’ll go back to providing the content you’ve come to expect, which mirrors The Sift®, our newsletter for educators.

In the meantime, be sure to visit the News Literacy Tips and Tools section on our website, or test your knowledge by completing some Checkology® lessons. If you are on the go, download our Informable® app and practice news literacy skills using real-world examples. Remember, all these resources are free, so be sure to share them with friends and family!

For a future founded on facts,
The News Literacy Project

P.S. In recognition of their outstanding achievements, particularly during such a tumultuous school year, NLP will honor its 2021 Educator of the Year, John S. Carroll Journalist of the Year and Gwen Ifill Students of the Year next week. Stay tuned for the announcement of these news literacy change-makers, and in the meantime please check out last year’s honorees.