Now is the time to teach news literacy in every grade, writes NLP’s Charles Salter

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To help strengthen our democracy, news literacy skills should be taught to students of all ages, writes News Literacy Project President and CEO Charles Salter in a piece for the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

“If we expect students to become well-informed, engaged, and equal participants in our democracy, we need to teach media literacy, and we need to start now,” Salter argues.

Salter’s piece was included in a roundup of the best articles and columns in School Administrator Magazine’s recent “best of” 2022-2023 edition. The magazine is a publication of The American Association of School Administrators.

Among other tips for integrating news literacy into classrooms, Salter suggests that educators spend time cultivating trust in quality journalism, using real-world examples, and avoiding the introduction of conspiracy theories to students.

“Media literacy is essential to the functioning of a healthy democracy,” Salter writes. “America’s singular form of governance can’t survive if the public is uninformed, misinformed, or drowning in news and content of questionable credibility.”

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