GSAN: ‘De-influencing’ on social media | ‘Coconut tree’ explained
Note: There will be no issue of Get Smart About News next week, but we will return to your inbox on Aug. 13 for a special issue featuring RumorGuard® writer Dan Evon. |
Practice patience during breaking news events. It takes time to verify information when news breaks, so initial news reports often won’t have the full story and may quote sources sharing information that still needs to be verified. Social media, on the other hand, usually reacts to big events with an overwhelming mix of speculation, opinion and misinformation. Slow down, beware of bad actors spreading falsehoods and be ready to follow a news story as it develops over time.
No, Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t say “Today is today. And yesterday was today yesterday. Tomorrow will be today tomorrow.” This viral video was manipulated. Check out more of the latest debunked rumors on NLP’s RumorGuard®! |
Featured video Confused about the viral “coconut tree” quote circulating of Vice President Kamala Harris? We’ve got you covered. To keep up with the busy news cycle, check out this explainer featuring some helpful tips in this NLP TikTok. (You can also view this video on Instagram.) |
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Thanks for reading! Your weekly issue of Get Smart About News is created by Susan Minichiello (@susanmini), Dan Evon (@danieljevon), Peter Adams (@PeterD_Adams), Hannah Covington (@HannahCov) and Pamela Brunskill (@PamelaBrunskill). It is edited by Mary Kane (@marykkane) and Lourdes Venard (@lourdesvenard). |