So, what’s the First Amendment?
So, do you think the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is important? We hope so. And if you do, here’s the good news: You’re not alone.
Three-quarters of the respondents to a survey about the First Amendment said they support this essential component of the Bill of Rights and the essential freedoms that it guarantees. The bad news: Only one (yes, one) out of the 1,009 adults surveyed could name all five of the rights and freedoms it grants.
This is according to a 2018 First Amendment survey that the First Amendment Center at the Freedom Forum Institute conducted on the State of the First Amendment.
Test yourself
Given that dismal finding, it is important that we keep fresh knowledge of our First Amendment rights, how to exercise and how to protect them from efforts to curtail these freedoms. To help you do that, we’ve designed this quiz. It will ask you about the Amendment in general and more specific questions about your rights.
Take our short and engaging quiz and find out if you are A1 on 1A!