National News Literacy Week

Feb. 3-7, 2025

The sixth annual National News Literacy Week, presented by the News Literacy Project, The E.W. Scripps Company and USA Today, focuses on providing educators with the tools and resources they need to help students more skillfully navigate today’s information landscape.
Download our free Activity Planner for educators! Help students build critical thinking skills with daily standards-based activities.


The News Literacy Project, Scripps and USA Today.

Teens face the most complicated information landscape in history. In a single day, they might encounter memes, influencer-created videos, cleverly concealed marketing campaigns and articles by partisan pundits, while lacking the ability to distinguish one type of content from another.

But this doesn’t have to prevent them from becoming empowered and civically engaged. With news literacy education, students can more skillfully judge for themselves what information to trust, believe, share and base decisions on.


Add news literacy to your curriculum from Feb. 3-7 using our National News Literacy Week Planner.

You can still get involved – click here.

Give in honor of National News Literacy Week and help us reach more educators with news literacy resources.



News literacy is the ability to determine the credibility of news and other information and recognize the standards of fact-based journalism. It is an essential 21st century skill, central to any media literacy, digital literacy or civics program.


📅 Feb. 4, 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT

Evaluating News Media Bias: A Nuanced Approach to a Vital Topic

Click here for event details.
This free webinar for educators, presented by the News Literacy Project on as part of National News Literacy Week, will offer strategies for teaching students about the complex topic of bias in news coverage.

📅 Feb. 6, 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT

Hard hits, hidden truths: How investigative journalism tackled the NFL’s concussion problem

Click here for event details.
Open to educators, students, and interested members of the public, this free webinar features a discussion with investigative journalist Jeanne Marie Laskas about her reporting on concussions in the NFL. It also covers the watchdog role of a free press.


📅 Jan. 26 – Feb. 10

Trust Me Documentary Worldwide News Literacy Week Film Screening

Click here for event details.
This online event aims to promote news literacy, civil discourse, and critical thinking. Reserve your spot. Then, checkout News Lit Project’s school curriculums and discussion guides to take action here.
📅 Jan. 29, 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Trust Me: Digital Literacy

Click here for event details.
Please join us for a screening of the film “Trust Me” and a Q&A with the filmmaker in person afterward. “Trust Me” explores why humankind is attracted to stories about violence, how media outlets capitalize on that, and how we gather and share information and misinformation in the digital age.

📅 Feb. 8, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.ET/8 a.m.-3 p.m. MT

Promoting Literacy & Critical Thinking in a Convoluted World Virtual Conference

Click here for event details.
  1. Register here:
  2. Under books, please put NA.
  3. You will click on “Checkout” and need to put in your credit card information. However, after doing so, you will see a box that says “Discount Code.” Enter the following code: 71200PRESENT
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Did you know the News Literacy Project uses five primary standards to define the core competencies students need to be news-literate? This week, we suggest using activities from our educator newsletter The Sift®,  Checkology® virtual classroom and resource library to focus on a different standard each day.

Learn more about the five standards in our Framework for Teaching News Literacy.

Subscribe to The Sift newsletter, NLP’s guide to the week in news literacy for educators.
Register for or sign in to your free educator account to assign engaging, expert-hosted lessons.


Use the Daily Do Now slides from The Sift for quick and easy bell ringer prompts each day of the week.


Standard 1:

Students distinguish news from other types of information and can recognize both traditional and nontraditional advertisements.


“The First Amendment” (Checkology lesson; 60+ minutes)

Standard 2:

Students acknowledge the importance of the First Amendment in American democracy and a free press to an informed public.


“Understanding Bias” (Checkology lesson; 70+ minutes)

Standard 3:

Students understand why professional and ethical standards are necessary to produce quality journalism, and they can apply understanding of those standards to discern credible information and sources for themselves.


Standard 4:

Students demonstrate increased critical habits of mind, including effective verification skills and the ability to detect misinformation and faulty evidence.


Standard 5:

Students express and exercise civic responsibility by seeking, sharing and producing credible information as effective participants in a democracy.



National News Literacy Week provides educators with free tools and resources to equip their students with the news literacy skills they need to become better informed and more civically engaged.

  • Your generosity powers National News Literacy Week and our news literacy movement. Explore our Ways to Give page to support us.


We wish to thank the following supporters:

abc news logo
associate press logo
bangor daily news logo - The Enquirer
cityside logo
civic news company logo
comcast nbc universal logo
Detroit Free Press logo
factchequeado logo
hacks/hackers logo
hearst logo
LAist logo
las vegas review-journal logo
Los Angeles Times logo
npr logo
Pittsburgh Post Gazette logo
rn&r logo
Rural News Network logo
Scripps logo
Society for professional journalists logo
the 19th logo
the atlantic logo
scripps national spelling bee logo
The Colorado Sun logo
the day logo
the new york times logo
the new yorker logo
the texas tribune logo
the valley breeze
the wall street journal logo
the washington post logo
the washington times logo
usa today logo
WHYY logo