"TRUST ME" classroom guide: A unit on manipulation and misinformation
This is a guide for educators to use with the feature-length documentary “TRUST ME."
Misinformation is all around us, and it has real-world consequences. In today’s information landscape where anyone can publish almost anything, who — and what — can you trust?
“TRUST ME” is a feature-length documentary directed by Oscar-nominated Roko Belic that delves into the topics of manipulation and misinformation by exploring human nature, information technology, and the need for news and media literacy to help people trust one another. The film was produced by the Getting Better Foundation, whose mission is to build trust using the truth. For additional information about the film or its producers, or to get involved, go to the film’s website.
The film is available for purchase from New Day Films: “TRUST ME“.
This guide was produced by the News Literacy Project (NLP) and Pamela Brunskill with support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
The guide is intended for parents and caregivers to aid in discussing the film with their families or other caregivers. They should adapt, adopt, and adjust these recommendations and ideas as they see fit.
The discussions we recommend are broken up into three sections: before viewing, during viewing and after viewing to help you establish, and build on, the core concepts in the film and reflect on the questions that result. Extension and further reading opportunities are listed at the end of the guide.
This is a guide for educators to use with the feature-length documentary “TRUST ME."
Misinformation is all around us, and it has real-world consequences.
The best way for you to help reduce misinformation online is to avoid sharing it.
Misinformation swirling around the COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of consuming and sharing online content with care.
Don’t get caught off guard. Recognize misinformation and stop it in its tracks by using RumorGuard’s 5 Factors for