GSAN: AI-generated Star Wars news | Avoid sharing misinfo


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A roundup of the latest topics in news literacy and misinformation.

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What's the best way to approach weird social media posts? Get quick tips to avoid sharing misinformation in this NLP TikTok video:

The cover image of a TikTok video is labeled “How to keep yourself from sharing misinfo” and features Alexa Volland, the News Literacy Project’s senior manager of educator professional learning, in front of a Google browser with her arms crossed and wearing sunglasses.
NewsLit Tip

Misinformation is exploitative
Misinformation that backs up your political beliefs isn’t doing you any favors — it targets you, not those who disagree with you. Misinformation exploits your most deeply held beliefs and values to dupe you into amplifying information. Take a pause before sharing information and don’t let bad actors use your credibility with friends and family to spread their falsehoods.

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This week on RumorGuard

Protests in France prompted a surge in misinformation. An “archival” photo of Bigfoot was actually an AI-generated image. Check out more of the latest debunked rumors on NLP’s RumorGuard!

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Your weekly issue of Get Smart About News is created by Susan Minichiello (@susanmini), Dan Evon (@danieljevon), Peter Adams (@PeterD_Adams), Hannah Covington (@HannahCov) and Pamela Brunskill (@PamelaBrunskill). It is edited by Mary Kane (@marykkane) and Lourdes Venard (@lourdesvenard).

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Check out NLP's Checkology virtual classroom, where you can learn to better navigate today’s information landscape by developing news literacy skills.